Test Equipment
I/O Tester Part No 452400

This tester was used for repair and diagnostics of the following machines. Each machine
had it's own overlay so that the lamps and switches were relevant to that machine.
1442-N1, 2501, 2501B, 2520, 1443-N1 2821, 1403, 2540, 2841, 2314, 2844, 2826, 2701,
2250-II, 2671
We have three I/O testers with overlays.
Tape Testers
have a number of tape testers for different manufacturers tape units starting with
the oldest:
IBM 2400 Series
IBM 3420 Series
Telex 6420 Series
Memorex 32xx
Disk Drive Exercisers
ISS Univac
Field Engineering Handbooks
I am sure many of you remember these handbooks. I have tried to collect as many as
possible but am always on the lookout for more. The current collection is listed bellow
with a few pages of the type of content.
System/360 General SY22-2851-1
System/360 Model 40 SY22-2852-0

Page 6. 2040 Selector Channel Data Flow

Page 7. Model 40 Data Flow

System/360 Model 50 SY22-2855-0

System/360 Model 65 Z25-0501-2
Channels 2860/2870/2880 Maintenance Reference Summary SY25-5005-1
System/360 Models 65,MP65, 67, 75, 85 Diagnostics SY25-5000-1
Diagnostic Monitor Reference Manual 229-2125-1
System 370/ Model 145 S229-2239-2
System 370/\Model 168 SY25-0511-1
3033 Processor Complex Maintenance Reference Summary SY25-0522-0
3090 Processor Complex Maintenance Reference Summary SR28-0634-0
General CE tools Reference Summary S131-0075-4
System/370 Operators Reference Guide SR20-4460-2